Posts Tagged ‘ Good Hair ’

Interracial Dating Part II


I’ve got jungle fever, she’s got jungle fever
We’ve got jungle fever, were in love
She’s gone black-boy crazy, I’ve gone white-girl hazy
Ain’t  no thinking maybe, were in love

– Stevie Wonder 1991

Back to the topic of Interracial Dating; in my previous blog post on Interracial Dating I spoke mainly on my personal preference when it comes to Interracial Dating. However with a broader aspect of the topic there are still many points that I feel play a major part in some people’s choice to date outside their race. (Date outside their race, that sounds so prehistoric and pre freedom doesn’t it)

People have the choice to date who they like, regardless of what race they are. But then there are some people that are so hung up on a specific race that it almost goes further than a preference. It’s almost a borderline race obsession. A few examples; A black person that only dates white people because they say that is their preference but upon listening to them discuss their preference it sounds more like they idolize white people.  It is as if they could somehow change their skin color they would quickly choose to be white. Or white women who date black men because they say that it is their preference but with every black man they date they fashion themselves more and more with the black culture. Each man brings on a new part of the blackness they love. Before you know it they are sporting door knocker earrings and cornrows in their hair. Not that either of these things are have the African American patent on them, but come on now, you know what I’m getting at.

Then there are the ones who have these kinds of explanations for dating outside their race (as if they actually need an excuse to date who they want to date)

(from a black man) “I date white women because they are willing to take more off a man than a black woman will. They will do more for you and come with less drama and attitude”

||cough cough bullshit||

Now personally when I hear a black man say something like that I ask him why he thinks most black women are angry and ready for drama. He usually comes up with some kind of lame excuse that doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

Truth be told, most men who choose to date white women for that sole reason are cowards. They want something easy and feel that the majority of white women come with less baggage and little or no desire to stand up for their self. These men want someone who accepts their bullshit on a silver platter.   They feel as if they have done something big when they prance around with a white woman on their arm, proclaiming that they are drama free and easy to get along with. But in all actuality, she may be just that, but that does not mean that all white women or even the majority of white women are easier to get along with or like shiny platters of shit.

There are even some people who are so off track and dissimilated in the brain that they seek other races, so that their offspring can look a certain way. Have you heard some of this foolishness?

I want a mixed baby so he/she can have pretty skin and good hair

Good hair?? I thought we got over the good hair thing back with I’m Black & I’m Proud and when we screamed Black Power and rocked our Afro Puffs??? didn’t we??

 Well decades later some people are still hung up on skin color and what they feel is beauty. Preference is one thing, but choosing someone of a specific race because you think that race is more beautiful is a different story. When you choose to date someone because you feel that their race is better than yours you have some personal identity issues that need to be resolved before you can be happy in any relationship.

…to be continued